Unable to install Gradle Distribution

I installed gradle in Rational Software Architect 9 version and while trying to create a new gradle project I am getting this below error: org.gradle.tooling.GradleConnectionException: Could not install Gradle distribution from ‘https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-6.8-bin.zip’.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

How do you “create a new gradle project”?

In the Rational Software architect i tried to install the Buildship gradle Integration 3.0 . Then tried to create a new gradle project and it throwed the error.

Is it possible to have a gradle plugin for RSA 9.0 ?

I have no idea. But if you installed Buildship, I guess RSA is Eclipse-based, so Buildship already is the plugin you just asked for, isn’t it?

Unfortunately as it is about Buildship I am out as I don’t touch Eclipse with a five-foot pole if I can avoid it.

yes I installed the buildship and tried to import a gradle project in the RSA workspace. While doing so it does not allow me to import with the above error .

You said you tried to create a project, not import it.

Can you open that URL in the error from your browser?
If so, do you maybe need to use some proxy in your environment and did not configure that for Gradle?
Or maybe something else like a Firewall or AntiVirus is intervening?

yes i can open from browser . I tried to import a gradle project and also create one. Both are not able to connect to the url .

Often this message is only a subsequent error and something else didn’t worked before.

Please open the Console View and switch to the console with the title [Gradle Operations]. (Click on the small arrow next to the monitor button in the toolbar to switch between different consoles.)

Are there any messages?

Thanks for the reply. I eventually moved to Eclipse oxyge for gradle build