Trailing slash issue or feature at GradlePluginPortal


when I get GPP directory with the trailing slash:

I am getting a redirection with malformed URL (double slash befor “org”)

when there is no trailing slash
the redirection works nice

is it intentional or just a side effect?

I would assume this is a bug, maybe introduced with the change to redirect to MC instead of JC.
You should probably open an issue on GitHub - gradle/plugin-portal-requests: Gradle Plugin Portal issues and requests.

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Thank you Vamp,

(I have filed that issue there)
What about the other one below.
I can see your comment in the old discussion of Gradle fails dependency retrieval if HTTP HEAD is not supported by the repository · Issue #5322 · gradle/gradle · GitHub
but cannot clearly understand how(and by whom) the method is changed form GET to HEAD
I suppose the server is redirecting, but who is “lightenning” the http method (server, proxy, Gradle client itself). I am trying to understand that to fix the issue with our caching proxy artifactory repo, that points to the remotes (MC).

Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:classpath’.
Could not resolve org.sonarsource.scanner.api:sonar-scanner-api:
Required by:
project : > org.sonarqube:org.sonarqube.gradle.plugin: > org.sonarsource.scanner.gradle:sonarqube-gradle-plugin:
Could not resolve org.sonarsource.scanner.api:sonar-scanner-api:
Could not get resource ‘’.
Could not HEAD ‘’. Received status code 500 from server: Internal Server Error

Noone lightens it.
Gradle is using a HEAD request directly.

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Thanks a lot, I could trace it with netstat, but your quick answer helps to diagnose the issue on the http proxy.

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