Task with dependsOn a file

I have a simple task like this:

task generateJava(type: JavaExec) {

I want to be able to add a dependency so this task is run whenever a specific file under the project changes.

How do I do that?


You do this by declaring the file as an input of the task, e.g.

inputs.file ‘path to file’

For a more general discussion about declaring inputs and outputs of tasks, please refer to Section 17.9 in the Gradle user guide:

Good luck!

Thanks for the pointer to using inputs.file. I see that I must also give outputs as well so gradle knows what to compare the inputs to.

My challenge is that my custom task takes an input file and generates a number of output files (java source files). I don’t know the names of the files.

I tried this:

task generateJava(type: JavaExec) {
  inputs.file 'ecore.xml'
  outputs.dir 'src-gen'
  main = "..."
  args "--outdir", "src-gen"

When the task is run it creates multiple .java files under “src-gen/org/acme/my/class/*.java”

If I run “gradle generateJava” twice, my java class (main) gets run each time. I’m expecting that the second time just to see gradle output “generateJava: UP-TO-DATE”.

Any suggestions on how to give the proper “outputs” value in this case?


I am a Gradle Newbie and so I cannot say for sure, but the user guide suggests in Section 17.9.2 that your solution should work. However, I often find the user guide lacking important information. Unfortunately, I cannot help you further for the moment. Let’s hope someone else can step in and clarify how setting a directory as an output works and why it does not work for you.

You can use the onlyIf predicate to create custom logic for when the task should run. I’m modifying a file based on some properties, and I use the onlyIf statement to skip the task if the changes have already been applied.