(James Hardwick)
October 14, 2015, 4:05pm
FWIW, what I’m experiencing seems to essentially be the same as this:
Hi, Let me start by admitting that I’m an absolute newbie to Gradle; in fact, I started using it only as part of learning “Cascading” which uses Gradle for build. When I’m trying to build, I’m getting the following exception. It appears that the dependency is not present in the local Maven repo and Gradle, for some reason, fails instead of downloading it. Option --refresh-dependencies does not help. I found two workarounds 1) Put mavenCentral() before mavenLocal() in the build file, or 2) Dele…
The weird thing is how it does/doesnt work depending on the version of the parent dependency I’m trying to resolve, and I can’t find what differs between the two versions that would now cause this.