Gradle fails to resolve classifier when using mavenLocal

I’ve got a couple of artifacts in artifactory that are distribution zips.


I’ve set gradle to check my local maven repo 1st and then check Artifactory. (So that I can see other artifacts that are produced by maven builds that I am building locally as part of my dev work and aren’t published to Artifactory)

If my local maven repo is empty then gradle is happy to download these from Artifactory. However if my local maven repo contains only the zip then gradle will fail when trying to find the tar.gz and vice-versa.

This feels like a bug to me, but I’m pretty fresh to Gradle so the usual disclaimers apply.

At the moment the only way I can think of to work around this to completely change the maven coordinates to something like:

Any thoughts or pointers will be appreciated.

I should probably mention that I originally listed mavenLocal last in an attempt to work around this, however I ran into issues where a snapshot version had been deployed to Artifactory and was being used instead of my locally built version of the snapshot dependency.

Hmm, I was hoping that reporting a bug would evoke some sort of response.

Bump bumpity bump and bump

Thanks for the report. I’ve recorded this issue as GRADLE-3501.