
Is there a way to filter/sort results on plugins portal? Let’s say I’m looking for a plugin to get information from git metadata, searching for “git version” gives less than useful list:

with plugins that seems to be obsolete (versions from <2020…)

There is now way to know how many they are neither.

In contrast, looking for the same on maven:

Gives information how many results there are and one can sort by update time / popularity (best metrics as it gives something relatively modern, maintained and used…)

Unfortunately, the plugin portal is indeed quite limited in its current form.
There are also improvement requests like Improving Plugins Search · Issue #132 · gradle/plugin-portal-requests · GitHub or Allow sorting and filtering on the plugin search results page · Issue #4 · gradle/plugin-portal-requests · GitHub.
But the Gradle folks are probably too short on resources to put significant effort into the plugin portal. :frowning:

Thanks for the links. At the very least I gave upvotes :slight_smile:

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