Hello. I have next project
- module A
- module B
- module C
- module D
Each module is Android Library by itself.
Module A is like ‘core’ library, containing one class and one interface implemented by module B, C and D which in turn are utility libraries. To build module B I added a dependency on module A for the configuration compile. The same will be done for modules C and D.
It’s supposed to test module A (‘core’) with one of another module, but only with one. I tried to add product flavors for each case, but
it results in the error message:
> Error:Cannot change dependencies of configuration ‘:moduleB:default’
after it has been included in dependency resolution.
What is my goal: build test APK with next libraries as dependencies:
- module A library + module B library
- module A library + module C library
- module A library + module D library
Thank you in advance.
All build scripts are listed below
root project build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories { jcenter() }
dependencies { classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.3.3'
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong // in the individual module build.gradle files }
ext.libraryNameExtension = ‘.aar’
project(‘:moduleA’) {
ext.libraryName = 'moduleA-core.aar'
project(‘:moduleB’) {
ext.libraryName = 'moduleB-impl.aar'
project(':moduleC) {
ext.libraryName = 'moduleC-impl.aar'
// set properties common for all subprojects
subprojects {
// all modules are treated as subprojects and built as Android libraries apply plugin: 'com.android.library'
def subproject = it println "subproject name: " + subproject.name
android { compileSdkVersion 22 buildToolsVersion "25.0.0"
defaultConfig { minSdkVersion 14 targetSdkVersion 22
archivesBaseName = subproject.ext.libraryName }
buildTypes.all { type -> type.minifyEnabled = false type.debuggable = !(type.name == "release") }
// default output file name is ${archivesBaseName}-buildVariantName // change this behaviour to next: // inside buildDir (by default 'build/') directory with library variant name is created // and artifact is placed inside this directory
// all subprojects are libraries, thus libraryVariants used. It doesn't affect non-library modules libraryVariants.all { variant -> def variantOutputDir = "${project.buildDir}/" + variant.name + '/' println "variant: ${variant.name}; output: ${variantOutputDir}" mkdir variantOutputDir
variant.outputs.each { output -> def outputFile = output.outputFile if (outputFile != null && outputFile.name.endsWith(rootProject.ext.libraryNameExtension)) { output.outputFile = new File(variantOutputDir + subproject.ext.libraryName) }
} } }
Module A build.gradle
android {
defaultConfig { // TODO investigate difference between debug and release builds defaultPublishConfig 'debug' publishNonDefault true
testInstrumentationRunner "android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" }
// Flavors required to build test APK with different libraries // TODO investigate how to resolve circular dependency
// Source set for 'debug' and 'release' build types is the same sourceSets.debug.setRoot('main') sourceSets.release.setRoot('main')
productFlavors { moduleBFlavor { description "Test APK with 'moduleA' and 'moduleB' libraries" // possible solution //useLibrary('moduleB.aar', true) testApplicationId 'com.sec.android.moduleA-test.moduleB-impl' } }
dependencies {
// add JNI libraries from jniLibs/ to APK compile fileTree(include: ['*.so'], dir: 'jniLibs')
// Required for instrumented tests // must match version from the compileSdkVersion property androidTestCompile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:22.0.0' androidTestCompile 'com.android.support:support-annotations:22' androidTestCompile 'com.android.support.test:runner:0.5'
// project 'moduleB' already added this project as a dependency // must investigate how to build test apk with moduleB.aar library // androidTestModuleBFlavorCompile project(':moduleB')
// Required for local unit tests (JUnit 4 framework) testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
Module B build.gradle
android {
defaultConfig {
publishNonDefault true
// Source set for 'debug' and 'release' build types is the same sourceSets.debug.setRoot('main') sourceSets.release.setRoot('main')
dependencies {
// !!! required to build module B library, otherwise classes from // module A sources are not imported during compilation compile project(path: ':moduleA')
androidTestCompile('com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-core:2.2.2', { exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'support-annotations' })
testCompile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:22.0.0' testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'