Hey guys. I am trying to copy the sources jar from references project dependencies. This works ok for projects from the current build:
tasks.findByPath("sourcesJar")?.also { sourcesJarTask ->
.forEach {
return it;
But how can I do this for projects from composite builds? All I get from my artifact resolution query is a ForeignBuildIdentifier. But how can I get a hold to the projects from the other build?
More code to (maybe) understand better, what I am doing:
val incoming = configurations.runtimeClasspath.get().incoming
val componentIds = incoming.resolutionResult.allDependencies.map {
val resolved = it as ResolvedDependencyResult
val selectedId = resolved.selected.id
val result = dependencies.createArtifactResolutionQuery()
.withArtifacts(JvmLibrary::class, SourcesArtifact::class)
result.components.forEach {
if (it is UnresolvedComponentResult) {
val projectId = it.id as ProjectComponentIdentifier
if (!projectId.build.isCurrentBuild) {
//What do to do here?