I am trying to extract content of a JAR published in another project.
I have created a special configuration ‘generateApis’ to list the artifacts I want to extract.
Based on this resolved configuration I create dynamically copy tasks as shown below.
configurations.generateApis.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.each {
def moduleVersionIdentifier = it.moduleVersion.id
if (moduleVersionIdentifier.group.startsWith("org.test")) {
def apiJarPath = it.file
String extractDependencyTaskName = "extract-dependency-${moduleVersionIdentifier.id.name}"
println extractDependencyTaskName
project.tasks.create(name: extractDependencyTaskName, type: Copy.class) {
from zipTree(apiJarPath)
into unpackedApisDirectory
This fails in a composite build with the following error
Cannot expand ZIP ‘xxx.jar’ as it does not exist.
This however works perfectly when I build the two projects independently.
What did I miss?