Could not determine dependencies of task, while dynamically creating tasks

Hi, I’m trying to dynamically create some tasks which package up various different artifacts. I’m also adding each of those tasks to the ‘compile’ artifact configuration. However I get the error message “Could not determine the dependencies of task ‘:uploadArtifacts’.”

If I remove the dynamic generation of tasks and type out the definition of the tasks long-hand then it works fine. Although I’d prefer not to do this because I may have many more different zips than just Debug and Release.

I was wondering if anyone could please help me with this.

The code:

configurations {
["Debug", "Release"].each { conf ->
    task("package" + conf, type: Zip) {
        classifier = conf
        includes = ["src/*.h", "lib/$conf/*.lib"]
        baseName = 'external-lib'
        includeEmptyDirs = false
        from "."
    configurations.compile.artifacts.add "package" + conf
task uploadArtifacts(type: Upload) {
    group = "Packaging"
    description = "Uploads all packages to the repository."
    uploadDescriptor = true
    descriptorDestination = new File("ivy.xml")
    configuration = configurations.compile

The command line: gradle tasks

The error: Execution failed for task ‘:tasks’. > Could not determine the dependencies of task ‘:uploadArtifacts’.

I’d be surprised if ‘configurations.compile.artifacts.add(someString)’ worked. Usually you’d do something like ‘artifacts { compile tasks[“package$conf”] }’. Instead of looking up the task with ‘tasks[“package$conf”]’, you could also store it in a variable upon creation (the ‘task’ method returns a ‘Task’ object).

Thanks Peter. You were right. I have corrected a subset of the above code to:

["Debug", "Release"].each { conf ->
    artifacts {
        compile task("package" + conf, type: Zip) {
            classifier = conf
            includes = ["src/*.h", "lib/$conf/*.lib"]
            baseName = 'external-lib'
            includeEmptyDirs = false
            from "."

Creating the task inside the ‘artifacts’ block is very unusual. I guess it will work, but I don’t recommend it.