This is not exactly a problem but rather a request… hope I’m not filing into a very wrong place.
Very nice that the JRebel plugin is mentioned on your tooling page (http://www.gradle.org/tooling)! Anyway, the info is a bit outdated. The link that currently points to an ancient blog post should definitely be changed to point to the Github repository at https://github.com/zeroturnaround/gradle-jrebel-plugin .
If I may, i’d suggest something like this (of course completely up to you how you’ll have it, just trying to make it easy for you) :
There is a [link to github]Gradle JRebel plugin[end of link] for automatic, customizable generation of JRebel’s configuration files during the build."
– Sander Sõnajalg main developer of Gradle JRebel plugin ZeroTurnaround