Replacing dependency throws error: > Cannot change resolution strategy of dependency configuration after it has been resolved

I want my task_2 to execute the task_1 but replace a dependency defined in task_2 instead of using the one defined in task_1.

  dependencies {

tasks.register("task_1") {
  // code which generates a build and compileClasspath

tasks.register("task_2") {
  doLast {
    configurations.all {
      resolutionStrategy {

Running task_2 I get the following error:

> Cannot change resolution strategy of dependency configuration ':compileClasspath' after it has been resolved.

Whatever you try to do here, it probably cannot work.
You cannot change the configuration in the execution phase of a task as it was already resolved as the error tells you.
And you also shouldn’t even try to.
Besides that task_1 is anyway executed before task_2.