but gw :utilities:explode
Ah ok, I see.
And it makes sense.
You properly leverage task-configuration avoidance, so the code in register { ... }
is evaluated pretty late.
At the time it is evaluated, you resolve the getTheFile
configuration which actually is a pretty bad idea.
This then causes the list
build to be evaluated at a time where afterEvaluate
must not be called anymore.
I’m aware of why you most probably do
val singleFile = getTheFile.get().singleFile
doFirst {
println("we dont get here... " + singleFile)
You most probably had
doFirst {
println("we dont get here... " + getTheFile.get().singleFile)
and then got CC problems.
The better fix for that is to do
val getTheFile = getTheFile.map { it as FileCollection }
// or alternatively and the `get()` below removed
//val getTheFile = getTheFile.get() as FileCollection
// or alternatively and the `get()` below removed
//val getTheFile: FileCollection = getTheFile.get()
doFirst {
println("we dont get here... " + getTheFile.get().singleFile)
which then also fixes your exploding issue. (val getTheFile = getTheFile
or val getTheFile = getTheFile.get()
do not work as CC cannot persist Configuration
, but it can persist FileCollection
and Configuration
is-a FileCollection
, you just have to be explicit about that you only need that.
add(“asArtifact”,files(“1”,“2”)) // gradle complains you cant have multiple files as artifacts
Ah, right.
Well, it does not complain you cannot add multiple files, because you can.
It complains that you cannot add a FileCollection
But you can without problem do files("1","2").forEach { add("asArtifact", it) }
The problem is just, that the files have to be clear at configuration time already.
If it is only known which files will be there mid-execution, then this does not work as it must be known up-front.
If you do not know up-front which files will be in the collection, you could still have a Sync
task that syncs those files to a directory known at configuration time and then configure that directory as artifact, then you would have all the dynamically generated files as artifacts properly.
add(“asArtifact”,file(“blub”)) // you can also not add another file…
Sure you can. You can call that as often as you want and need.
Is that a reasonable approach?
No, because if configuration A extendsFrom configuration B, that means that all dependencies you declare on B are automatically also decleared on A. The artifacts are not “inherited”. But as I just explained this should also not be necessary. As you suggested to create one configuration per file, I assume the files indeed are known at configuration time already and not dynamic, so just add all the files to the one configuration, just one-by-one, not as FileCollection
Is there any documentation available on what you are talking about? I went by
and i cant find any mentions of configurations.dependencyScope
, or configurations.consumable
They are pretty new and still incubating (but I don’t expect much changes to them).
So they might not be documented properly yet, and not used in all places where appropriate.
But basically
isCanBeConsumed = false && isCanBeResolved = false
=> dependency scope
isCanBeConsumed = true && isCanBeResolved = false
=> consumable
isCanBeConsumed = false && isCanBeResolved = true
=> resolvable
isCanBeConsumed = true && isCanBeResolved = true
=> default for backwards compatibility, but legacy and discouraged, so don’t use it, also has no convenience helper
Also plz enable val config by configurations.registerConsumable or similar)
I’m just a user like you.
But I agree: Kotlin DSL property delegates for fixed-type configuration factory methods · Issue #27204 · gradle/gradle · GitHub
Unfortunately Gradle folks not. 
also does not change anything about the behaviour
I did not say or imply it would change anything on the behavior.
It just shows that - even while shorter - what you do is not idiomatic and not recommended,
as those new convenience methods create configurations with a narrow role like how they are meant to be used while you previously used mixed-role configurations which is not recommended.
Are you talking about what is in the documentation referred to as Variant Selection?
It is 20 days ago, so I don’t know what I said.
Which part do you mean?
I don’t think I would have suggested anything with variant selection here.
Using the configurations directly is perfectly fine if it is just within the same build that those files are shared.