I’m using Gradle 3.1 and would like to use the plugin “wsdl2java” (https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/no.nils.wsdl2java/0.10) in my project. As my development computer only has access to our internal Artifactory, this is what my files look like.
pluginRepositories {
maven { url = 'http://myhost/artifactory/plugins-release' }
plugins {
id 'no.nils.wsdl2java' version '0.10'
I can access the plugin via browser on http://myhost/artifactory/plugins-release/no/nils/wsdl2java but when I run a Gradle task I get the following error message:
Plugin [id: "no.nils.wsdl2java", version: "0.10"] was not found in any of the following sources:
- maven(http://myhost/artifactory/plugins-release) (Could not resolve plugin artifact 'no.nils.wsdl2java:no.nils.wsdl2java.gradle.plugin:0.10')
What am I missing here?