No configurations available for project, need to identify or create

Hello, I am on a new project working with gradle 8.9 installed trying to execute ./gradlew dependencies. I am getting result in the terminal No configurations. I am new to gradle, having only worked with Maven before and learning as I go. Need some suggestions on how to proceed with either determining the existing configurations or implementing a new one. Thank you.

The dependencies task only works on one project. If you for example execute this in the root project directory it is only executed on the root project. And if you follow the imho strange layout to have an empty root project with one subproject with the actual stuff, then the root project of course does not have any configurations.

If you execute the projects task you see which projects your have.
If you execute the tasks --all task you see all tasks in all projects like :your-sub-project:dependencies.

You could also instead use a build --scan to get a nicely formatted web report of the build where also the dependencies of all projects are nicely navigable.

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Hi Björn, thank you for the detailed reply!

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