New ivy-publishing plugin does not take into account global dependency exclusions

When using global (per configuration) exclusion of certain dependencies, this is not reflected in produced ivy.xml descriptior file. The legacy method using uploadArchives task does this part correctly. Bellow is a sample project showing the problem

group = 'test'
version = '1.0'

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'ivy-publish'

repositories {

publishing {
  publications {
    ivy(IvyPublication) {
  repositories {
    ivy {
      url "file://${buildDir}/repo"

configurations.all {
  exclude group: 'commons-logging', module: 'commons-logging'

dependencies {
  compile "org.springframework:spring-core:4.2.6.RELEASE"

It’s expected for the above file to produce ivy.xml with the following entry for every configuration published in section.

<exclude org="commons-logging" module="commons-logging" artifact="*" type="*" ext="*" conf="<CONFNAME>" matcher="exact"/>

where will be replaced with a proper conf. name

Gradle Version: 3.0
Operating System and JVM version: OSX 10.11.6, JVM v,1.8.0_65-b17
Is this a regression? no, it looks like it never workded, tested on gradle 2.9 with the same result

Sample project:

Hi Jared,

even local exclusions have not been included in the generated ivy xml. Gradle 3.1 will have a fix for that. See also GRADLE-3440. Could you check if your problem is fixed with the latest Gradle nightly.


Hi Stefan,

the GRADLE-3440 refers to uploadArchives task which uses different method… the problem I’ve described is for new (well… it’s how it is referred in documentation anyway :wink: ivy-publishing plugin which uses a PublishingExtension… The problem still exists in the latest Gradle nightly build. There is no problem though with exclusion at the particular dependency level e.g.

dependencies {
  compile "org.springframework:spring-core:4.2.6.RELEASE", {
    exclude group: 'commons-logging'

which works from version 2.14 of Gradle.


Hi Jarek,

you are completely right. We will probably not start working on this feature soon. We would be happy if you could provide a pull request, though.
