Not sure if this is because the plugin is incomplete or it is a bug, but ivy-publish does not seem to be repsecting my dependency configurations. It includes dependencies even when transitive=false or they are excluded with the “exclude” property.
I looked through the source code and it looks like these features are not yet implemented. Until then I am using the following in the withXml closure (it doesn’t handle all cases but does what I need):
// Now go through and add more information to the ivy configuration
// As of Gradle 2.2.1 ivy-publish does not yet implement these features
logger.debug("Modifying dependencies...");
asNode().dependencies[0].each {
Node node = (Node)it;
* Given:
* Ivy.xml:
* <dependency org="dOrg" name="dName" rev="dRev" configuration="dConfLeft->dConfRight">
* Gradle:
* dependencies {
gConfLeft (group:'gOrg' name:'gName' version:'gRev' configuration:'gConfRight') { ... }
* }
String dOrg = node.attribute("org");
String dName = node.attribute("name");
String dRev = node.attribute("rev");
String dConfFull = node.attribute("conf");
String dConfLeft = dConfFull?.split("->")[0];
String dConfRight = dConfFull?.split("->").length > 1? dConfFull?.split("->")[1] : "default";
Processing: $dOrg:$dName:$dRev:$dConfFull")
// Find the dependency if possible
List<Configuration> configsToSearch = new ArrayList<Configuration>();
Configuration dConfObj = p.getConfigurations().findByName(dConfLeft);
if (dConfObj != null) {
// the java plugin always publishes using the 'runtime' configuration
// to pick that up we can search parents
// Not sure if this is recursive...
logger.debug("Need to search through: " + configsToSearch);
ModuleDependency realDep = null;
for (Configuration conf : configsToSearch) {
// At this point gConfLeft is either = dConfLeft or is a parent of dConfLeft
String gConfLeft =;
DomainObjectSet<ModuleDependency> mydeps = conf.getDependencies().matching({
Dependency d ->
if (d instanceof ModuleDependency) {
ModuleDependency md = (ModuleDependency)d;
String gConfRight = md.getConfiguration();
String gOrg = md.getGroup();
String gName = md.getName();
String gRev = md.getVersion();
// This probably does not handle wildcards correctly
boolean compare = (nullSafeEquals(dOrg, gOrg)
&& nullSafeEquals(dName, gName)
&& nullSafeEquals(dRev, gRev)
&& nullSafeEquals(dConfRight, gConfRight)
logger.debug("Compare: $dOrg==$gOrg $dName==$gName $dRev==$gName $dConfRight==$gConfRight: $compare");
return compare;
} else {
logger.debug("Not a ModuleDependency: " + d);
return false;
if (mydeps.size() == 0) {
} else if (mydeps.size() > 1) {
// Not sure how to handle this...
logger.warn("Found > 1 dependencies for: $dOrg:$dName:$dRev:$dConfFull:$mydeps");
realDep = mydeps.iterator().next();
} else {
realDep = mydeps.iterator().next();
if (realDep != null) {
// Add transitive attribute
if (!realDep.isTransitive()) {
node.attributes().put('transitive', 'false');
// Add excludes
if (realDep.getExcludeRules() != null) {
for (ExcludeRule er : realDep.getExcludeRules()) {
node.appendNode("exclude", [org:er.getGroup(), name:er.getModule()]);
} else {
logger.warn("Could not find dependency for: $dOrg:$dName:$dRev:$dConfLeft");