I want to see compiler and linker warnings in the output that is printed to the console, just like compiler and linker errors. Is there a way to configure that?
At the moment, there’s not a way to configure the native tools to always display output. We only show the output when something fails.
You can see the warnings with --info
, but you’ll get other output too.
The reason I want this, is to populate the “Error List” window in Visual Studio with warnings and errors, not just errors. How can I create the Visual Studio projects such that they include --info
when calling Gradle? I know I could add that by hand, but I would have to touch quite a few projects, and the change would be overwritten, the next time I let Gradle create the Visual Studio files again.
You can try:
tasks.withType(GenerateProjectFileTask) {
gradleArgs = "--info"
I think we’ll still limit the output to the first 10 files compiled.
That worked, thanks!
Hi, I noticed this hasn’t received any updates since, but as of gradle 3.1 this behaviour still exists. Are there any plans to implement this? I’ve submitted a bug on github: https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/810
I’m also interested in the compiler warnings and errors printed at the console window.
The following worked for me, but there is too much output I don’t want to see.
So I tried the following with the intention to only set the log level for compiling tasks.
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
if (task instanceof CCompile || task instanceof CppCompile) {
But it has no effect!
Any help will be appreciated.
To output the compiler warnings and options I do the following which I also posted on StackOverflow, see here. It is not while the compiler is doing his actions but afterwards.
To add a task after the compile and link task I add the following (this task will be executed if the build failed or succeeded).
tasks.withType(InstallExecutable) {
finalizedBy showCompilerOutput
If you just want to execute showCompilerOutput if the build was successful you can use this:
build.finalizedBy showCompilerOutput
The task showCompilerOutput is for displaying the output of the files I mentioned in my question. Therefore it builds a file tree which points to the files that I mentioned: output.txt.
task showCompilerOutput {
dependsOn showCompilerOptions
doLast {
println '\n-----------------------------------------------------\n'
println 'Compiler output:'
FileTree tree = fileTree('build').include('**/output.txt')
// Iterate over the contents of a tree
tree.each {File file ->
println 'Content of file ' + file + ':\n'
println file.text
println '------\n'
This task is also dependend of another task which is called showCompilerOptions, which is doing the same but for the files with the compiler options: options.txt.
task showCompilerOptions {
doLast {
println '\n-----------------------------------------------------\n'
println 'Compiler options:'
FileTree tree = fileTree('build').include('**/options.txt')
// Iterate over the contents of a tree
tree.each {File file ->
println 'Content of file ' + file + ':\n'
println file.text
println '------\n'
I’m guessing this stopped working, as I see no such txt files under the “build” tree. Where do the compilation result outputs being thrown to now?