I have a big sub-project tree with a combination of C and C++ code on Linux.
I am trying to get all of the projects to use a common set of compiler arguments.
When I compile my subproject the options.txt does not contain my options.
Any idea on how this can be done?
I tried binaries instead of components and withType(SharedLibraryBinarySpec) instead of all.
In my root project I have a build.gradle that contains
/** BROKEN build.gradle compiler options are not sent to subprojects. */
allprojects {
apply plugin: ‘c’
apply plugin: ‘cpp’
apply plugin: ‘google-test-test-suite’
model {
repositories {
all {
cCompiler.args “-Wall”
cCompiler.args “-Werror”
cCompiler.args “-g”
cppCompiler.args “-Wall”
cppCompiler.args “-Werror”
cppCompiler.args “-g”
cppCompiler.args “-std=c++11”
withType(SharedLibraryBinarySpec) {
buildable = false
platforms {
x86 {
architecture “x86”