I need to replace some tokens in the file /src/main/resources/application.properties of my java project according to a targeted environment (to hit a Test or a Prod database for example). With Maven I managed that with Maven resources and profiles corresponding to my targeted environments. I succeeded to get the same behavior with Gradle by using the conf below and running gradle build -Pprod (for prod env for example).
if (project.hasProperty("test")) {
processResources {
filter ReplaceTokens, tokens: [
gradle_environment : 'TEST'
println "TEST";
} else if (project.hasProperty("prod")) {
processResources {
filter ReplaceTokens, tokens: [
gradle_environment : 'PROD'
println "PROD";
} else {
println "NO";
But when I import the project in Eclipse after having executed gradle eclipse, it seems that the tokens are not replaced (I get some errors complaining about values corresponding to the non converted/filtered tokens in my property file). However, when I look to the file in /build/resources/main/application.properties, the file do have the correct values instead of tokens. But it seems that Eclipse consider the files under the /bin directory : /bin/application.properties where the tokens are not filtered.
How can I make Eclipse considering the filtered application.properties file so that the code launched with Eclipse (Junit or webapp running in Eclipse embedded Tomcat) use the filtered values instead of token placeholders ?
Thank you