Long time outs cloning from http://github.com/gradle/gradle.git

git clone http://github.com/gradle/gradle.git times out - behind a proxy

I dont’t know if it has to do with proxy, but since I use GIT_OPTS=-Dhttp.proxyHost … and all the rest for proxyPort, proxyUser proxy,Password, do not see any authentication errors, but can see a time out

C770817@C036357 /e $ git clone http://github.com/gradle/gradle.git --progress Cloning into ‘gradle’… error: Failed connect to github.com:80; No error while accessing http://github.com/gradle/gradle.git/info/refs fatal: HTTP request failed

C770817@C036357 /e $ git clone http://github.com/gradle/master.git --progress Cloning into ‘master’… error: Connection time-out while accessing http://github.com/gradle/master.git/info/refs fatal: HTTP request failed

C770817@C036357 /e $ git clone git://github.com/gradle/gradle.git Cloning into ‘gradle’… fatal: unable to connect to github.com: github.com[0:]: errno=No error

C770817@C036357 /e $ git clone https://github.com/gradle/gradle.git Cloning into ‘gradle’… error: Connection time-out while accessing https://github.com/gradle/gradle.git/info/refs fatal: HTTP request failed

why - what is wrong with my setup behind a authentication demanding proxy server.

NOTE: I tried downloading the -bin.zip the -all.zip and the -src.zip from gradle. only the -src.zip comes down as a proper closed zip archive file, the other twos are coming down as corrupt archives. I saw this only with gradle zips so far. any ideas and hints welcome.

AND that has lead me to seek for an alternative way to get the sources downloaded, because I wanted to build gradle and then find out why the wrapper behind a fire wall is not working. Please help then I migth help you by providing a patch or a hint for a solution.

Josef - on the way to find why gradlew.bat in the svnkit project directory does not download gradle for a build of the svnkit.

Are you still having this problem?

This is an issue with GitHub, that we don’t control.