Locale specific toLowerCase and toUpperCase breaks the build on turkish os. I found that the option “QUIET” for the javadoc is the center of problem. I found exact code piece by debugging the source of gradle. It should be fixed by explicit locale definition. I may fix it but need some help for contribution.
I suspect there are some other toLowerCase problems. Does --console=plain and --console=PLAIN work for you too (without changing user.country/user.language)?
Thanks Sterling, exactly, this is the place where the code fails. Let me answer your questions an the case results
Setting jvmargs for gradle works as a workaround.
capital version of plain outuput for console fails but i think does not have any relation with jvmargs
Result :
gradle --console=PLAIN clean javadoc
Unrecognized value ‘PLAIN’ for console.
I tried to set jvmargs for gradlew(wrapper). Because i need to solve the issue for gobblin that is on wrapper.
Can you offer a workaround for wrapper also ?