This is my first post to Gradle Forums and I’m brand new to Gradle. I am hoping someone can help with some guidance. I have a task that runs the Liferay ServiceBuilder for a Portlet. The task basically loops through each service.xml and generates Java code. I then copy that code to a directory and compile it into classes for a jar. What I noticed is that the task runs the service builder every time regardless of whether the source code has changed. Is there something I can add to my task so that Gradle can determine if the task needs to be re-run. This process takes a few minutes to run and causes the jar to be re-assembled, so it would be nice to prevent it from running. I think the determining factor would be if the source code in SVN has changed, then re-run this task. Is there a good way to achieve my goal or a better way to write this task?
task generateServicesAsync {
dependsOn 'compileServicesSyncJava'
description = 'Generates ASync Liferay services via ah-core-dto from service.xml file'
inputs.file liferayServiceFile
outputs.dir "$buildDir/serviceAsync/docroot/WEB-INF/service"
doLast {
//get a list of server.xml files
FileTree serviceXMLFiles = fileTree("${projectDir}/docroot/WEB-INF") {
include '**/service.xml'
exclude '**/classes/**/service*.xml'
serviceXMLFiles.each { File svcXMLFile ->
println "Processing Async Service: ${svcXMLFile} :"
javaexec {
println "Processinf Async on ${svcXMLFile} :"
println 'Runnin ASYNC Service Builder: Inputs - '
println "lib.dir=${liferayLibDir}"
println "base.dir=${buildDir}/serviceSync"
println "service.api.dir=${buildDir}/serviceAsync/docroot/WEB-INF/service"
println "service.impl.dir=${buildDir}/serviceAsync/docroot/WEB-INF/src"
println "lib.dir=${liferayLibDir}"
println "serviceConfigPath=${liferayServiceFile}"
main = 'com.aonhewitt.portal.tools.async.builder.main.Main'
classpath = files(project(':shared:ah-core-dto').tasks.jar.archivePath) + configurations.servicesGenAsync + files("docroot/WEB-INF/classes") + files("docroot/WEB-INF/src")
args = ["base.dir=${buildDir}/serviceSync", // moving projcet dir so we don't modify it base.dir=${projectDir}",
}//End each Service.xml
}//End java Exec
}//End do last
}//end task generateServicesAsync