Jacoco and Project Report Plugin Incompatibility

From SO: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17757239/using-gradle-project-report-and-jacoco-plugins-together

To illustrate the problem… I opened build.gradle at: gradle-1.7-rc-1/samples/testing/jacoco/quickstart and modified it to be:

apply plugin: “java” apply plugin: “jacoco” apply plugin: “project-report”

running a gradle projectReport then gives me the error:

gradle projR :dependencyReport :propertyReport :taskReport FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong: Execution failed for task ‘:taskReport’. > Could not determine the dependencies of task ‘:jacocoTestReport’.

This is GRADLE-2917 (which is fixed for 1.10). There’s a workaround listed on the ticket.
