Ivy publish creates ivy.xml with html escaped attributes

I am creating ivy.xml files for my artifacts. With gradle 1.9 I get the following line as an example in my dependencies:

<dependency org="patched.ch.qos.logback" name="logback-classic-jdk14" rev="0.9.29" conf="runtime-&gt;default"/>

As you can see, the value of the conf attribute is HTML escaped. I don’t think, this makes sense, it should be XML-escaped instead. I am expecting a line like this:

<dependency org="patched.ch.qos.logback" name="logback-classic-jdk14" rev="0.9.29" conf="runtime->default"/>

I’m not sure the created ivy.xml is valid with this bug.

Anybody thinks this is a bug, too? Normally I would simply raise a bug, but Gradle forces me to use this forum…

Ok, checked the spec again. It’s not a bug, it’s optional escaping. So it just looks strange but it’s ok.

Can you point to a link, seems not explained here: http://ant.apache.org/ivy/history/2.0.0/ivyfile/dependency.html