Our dev team stores third party JAR’s in a local Ivy repository that has a custom layout.
I was using the ivy element below within the configuration for repositories instance:
ivy {
name 'Old BPS Ivy Repository'
url 'http://bps-artifacts.turner.com/ivy'
layout 'pattern', {
artifact '[organisation]/[module]/prod/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[type]'
ivy '[organisation]/[module]/prod/ivys/ivy-[revision].xml'
After upgrading gradle from 1.7 to 1.10, the build task was failing with the following error (no such problems with version 1.7):
> Could not resolve glassfish:common-util:3.0-b74b.
Required by:
> Could not parse Ivy file http://bps-artifacts.turner.com/ivy/glassfish/common-util/prod/ivys/ivy-3.0-b74b.xml
> xml parsing: ivy-3.0-b74b.xml:4:132: cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'env' is not allowed to appear in element 'info'. in http://bps-artifacts.turner.com/ivy/glassfish
Here’s a snippet of the Ivy XML file that the above error concerns:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<ivy-module version="1.3">
<info organisation="glassfish" module="common-util" revision="3.0-b74b" status="release" env="prod" publication="20070101000000">
<ivyauthor name="cnn"/>
After some searching I changed the ivy entry to:
add(new org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.URLResolver()) {
name = 'Old BPS Ivy Repository'
validate = false
addIvyPattern 'http://bps-artifacts.turner.com/ivy/[organisation]/[module]/prod/ivys/ivy-[revision].xml'
addArtifactPattern 'http://bps-artifacts.turner.com/ivy/[organisation]/[module]/prod/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[type]'
The validate setting was required to prevent the parsing error from occurring. If I didn’t include this flag, I got the same error I got with the original ivy entry.
I do get the following deprecated warning, which I can surely leave with for now.
Build file '/home/dohenry/bps_build/projects/mscore/build.gradle': line 36
The ArtifactRepositoryContainer.add(DependencyResolver, Closure) method has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 2.0.
So my questions are: Is there a way to switch back to using the ivy entry and include this validate flag? Will we eventually have to abandon our custom Ivy repository?