Hi there,
Quite new to Gradle, still figuring some things out.
I’m developing a custom plugin for our company, consisting of two tasks that are exposed to the user.
Basically, the first task generates and copies some java source files to a subfolder of build/generated/sources
The second task should add the folder to the java sourceset so that it is compiled along with the user’s sources.
I can get it working by adding it as a source to the compileJava
open class AddToSourceSetsTask: DefaultTask() {
val folder: File = project.file("build/generated/sources/...")
fun addToSourceSets() {
project.tasks.named("compileJava", JavaCompile::class.java) {
But this seems to be the wrong way to go about this.
I have tried adding it as such:
open class AddToSourceSetsTask: DefaultTask() {
val folder: File = project.file("build/generated/sources/...")
fun addToSourceSets() {
but when building, the generated source files are not actually compiled.
Any help would be appreciated.