What’s the idiomatic way for extending the ‘assemble’ task to also build a ‘test-jar’ archive?
I wrote my own ‘test-jar’ plugin, which introduces a new Configuration ‘testArchives’. Although Configuration extends Buildable, it seems not possible to make the ‘assemble’ task depend on the Configuration. I have to make it dependent on the Jar task, which creates the archive.
Wouldn’t it be preferrable to express the relationships based on input/output artifacts instead of raw task dependencies?
// the explicit Java-like style of this code is intentional
class TestJarPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
static String CONFIGURATION_NAME = 'testArchives'
static String CLASSIFIER = 'tests'
static String TASK_NAME = 'testJar'
void apply(final Project prj) {
prj.with {
apply plugin: JavaPlugin.class
JavaPluginConvention javaPluginConvention = convention.getPlugin(JavaPluginConvention.class)
SourceSet sourceSet = javaPluginConvention.sourceSets[SourceSet.TEST_SOURCE_SET_NAME]
Jar testJarTask = task(type: Jar, group: BasePlugin.BUILD_GROUP, dependsOn: sourceSet.output, TASK_NAME)
testJarTask.classifier = CLASSIFIER
testJarTask.from sourceSet.output
Configuration testArchivesConfiguration = configurations.create(CONFIGURATION_NAME)
artifacts.add testArchivesConfiguration.name, testJarTask
// doesn't work
//tasks.getByName(BasePlugin.ASSEMBLE_TASK_NAME).dependsOn testArchivesConfiguration
tasks.getByName(BasePlugin.ASSEMBLE_TASK_NAME).dependsOn testJarTask