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I am developing a large, multi-platform project [GitHub - G-String-Legacy/GS_MV: Development repository for G_String version GS_MV; modular gradle build with Intellij IDEA] with Gradle 8.5 and Eclipse openjdk 21.0+12 (GitHub - G-String-Legacy/GS_MV: Development repository for G_String version GS_MV; modular gradle build with Intellij IDEA). Up to Jan. 9 2024 the software ran on Windows, Mac and Linux. Since yesterday, the mac version gives a build error: not found

and still works on Linux and Windows, but on mini mac m2 I now get the quoted error on . I am using the same clone on all three platforms (platform specific instructions commented out).

That question does not really have much to do with Gradle.
If you look at Central Repository: org/openjfx/javafx-fxml/16 and Central Repository: org/openjfx/javafx-fxml/17 you see, that in version 16 the variant you try to use did not exist but exists since version 17.
You probably before built on a non-aarch64 Mac where it worked as it used the “mac” variant.
But actually, you also have to provide multiple builds also for your end users if you want to support those newer macs.

The build worked on Thursday on the same mac mini m2 with the same Eclipse openjdk 21.0+12 and Gradle 8.5, but on Friday it gave this error, without a change in the repository.

Well, then you probably need to investigate what actually is different now.
But still, this has nothing to do with Gradle.
You somewhere request that variant.
Gradle just tell you it does not exist and it never existed.
So either before you requested the “mac” variant, or you used a newer JavaFX version, or you used a different repository that had additional variants.

Maybe you use the JavaFX Gradle plugin which requests the variant for your current computer and before you used an amd64 Java through Rosetta but now use an aarch64 Java to run Gradle.

Noone really can guess what is different, because the difference has to be on your side. :wink: