I have a multi-module build with gradle for a java library.
This is the folder structure:
- moduleA
- src
- build.gradle
- moduleB
- src
- build.gradle
- moduleC
- src
- build.gradle
- mainModule
- src
- build.gradle
I want to create a fat-jar form the mainModule
, where all the source code from the 4 modules are included in the same jar.
In mainModule
's build.gradle I have this:
apply plugin: 'java-library'
version = '0.1.0'
jar {
manifest {
attributes('Implementation-Title': project.name,'Implementation-Version': project.version)
from {
configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
dependencies {
api project(':moduleA')
api project(':moduleB')
api project(':moduleC')
api 'random.lib:vendor:1.0.0'
And this is the settings.gradle:
rootProject.name = 'ProjectName'
But when I tried to build the project with ./gradlew clean build
, I got the error:
Execution failed for task ':mainModule:jar'.
> Cannot expand ZIP 'moduleA/build/libs/moduleA-0.1.0.jar' as it does not exist.
Gradle it is trying to create the fat-jar without building the other modules first, probably because I did not set up something properly.
So, how can I organize these dependecies where the other modules are build first then the mainModule