I need to set up a custom task that I run after an APK is built when using Gradle for Android. Right now I actually have two tasks. One builds an XML file using the path to the APK as an input, and the other runs after the XML task (named packageConfig
) and bundles the APK and the XML file into a ZIP.
Right now, I’m having trouble with my packageConfig
task. It runs the python script for only the “fullRelease” product flavor, when I actually have multiple:
- x86Debug
- x86Release
- armDebug
- armRelease
- fullDebug
- fullRelease
My script is only executed once, and for the wrong APK. For example, I will invoke gradle like so:
$ gradlew :Applications:zApp:assemblex86debug packageConfig
I set up a print()
call in my python script to output the APK path passed in, and it is:
The path I’m expecting (based on the product flavor I chose on the command line, as well as the APK I know that is there):
I’ll paste my gradle task below. Can anyone help me understand what I’m doing wrong? What corrections can I make to my script to get it to run my script on the correct APK?
task packageConfig(type: Exec) {
def buildCommit = getBuildCommit()
def buildBranch = getVcsBranchName()
def buildDescription = buildBranch + '-' + buildCommit
def buildDate = getBuildDate()
workingDir buildscript.sourceFile.parent
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
variant.outputs.all { output ->
def apk = output.outputFile
def apkDir = apk.getParent();
def inputConfig = '' + project.projectDir + File.separator +
def outputConfig = apkDir + File.separator + 'PackageConfig.xml'
commandLine 'python', 'setup-package-config.py', versions.version, inputConfig,
outputConfig, apk, buildDescription