How to set a deep directory with project.getLayout().getBuildDirectory()?

In the examples for Implementing Binary Plugins , I see:

greetingFile = layout.buildDirectory.file('hello.txt')

But I cannot declare anything deeper like:

greetingFile = layout.buildDirectory.dir('dir1').dir('sub2').file('hello.txt')

Why does Project.getLayout().getBuildDirectory() return a DirectoryProperty (Gradle API 8.10) and Project.getLayout().getProjectDirectory() return a Directory (Gradle API 8.10)?

Is there a way to specify sub-directories in the buildDirectory?

Why does Project.getLayout().getBuildDirectory() return a DirectoryProperty (Gradle API 8.10) and Project.getLayout().getProjectDirectory() return a Directory (Gradle API 8.10)?

Because project directory is fixed at the point you can access that (only configurable in settings script) but the build directory can be changed.

Is there a way to specify sub-directories in the buildDirectory?

Multiple, for example:

greetingFile = layout.buildDirectory.file('dir1/sub2/hello.txt')
greetingFile = layout.buildDirectory.dir('dir1').map { it.dir('sub2').file('hello.txt') }
greetingFile = { it.dir('dir1').dir('sub2').file('hello.txt') }
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