How to have javadoc reference a taglet artifact?

I’m trying to port a Maven build to Gradle. I wrote a custom taglet in a separate project that this project references as a GAV (in the Maven build, at least). I’m trying to figure out how to translate this to the javadoc task in Gradle. I see the “tagletPath” list property, but that’s just a list of Files. How can I reference an artifact here?

If it matters, the reference in the original maven-javadoc-plugin looks like this:


I’m guessing you’d set the tagletPath eg:

configurations {
dependencies {
    taglet 'com.att.detsusl.taglets:validationJavadocTaglet:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT' 
javadoc {
   options {
      tagletPath configurations.taglet.files

When I first saw this reply, I realized you were surely right. I’ve been away from this for a while, and forgot about how to use configurations and “.files”.

Unfortunately, although this produces what I expect, it still fails.

I have the following:

configurations {

dependencies {
    taglet "com.att.detsusl.taglets:validationJavadocTaglet:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
javadoc {
    options {
        addStringOption("top").value  = "Unified Service Layer - top"
        bottom "Unified Service Layer - bottom"
        windowTitle "Unified Service Layer - windowtitle"
        docTitle "Unified Service Layer - title"
        footer "Unified Service Layer - footer"
        header "Unified Service Layer - header"
        setMemberLevel JavadocMemberLevel.PUBLIC
        taglets "com.att.det.taglet.ValidationConstraintsTaglet", "com.att.det.taglet.ValidationConstraintsCombinedTaglet"

        tagletPath configurations.taglet.files

When I run “gradle javadoc”, I get this:

A problem occurred evaluating root project ‘usl-parent’.

Could not find method tagletPath() for arguments [[….m2\repository\com\att\detsusl\taglets\validationJavadocTaglet\0.0.1-SNAPSHOT\validationJavadocTaglet-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar, ….m2\repository\org\hibernate\hibernate-validator\5.4.1.Final\hibernate-validator-5.4.1.Final.jar, …]] on object of type org.gradle.external.javadoc.StandardJavadocDocletOptions.

I can’t tell from this output whether it truly created “File” objects or just Strings. I can see from the “StandardJavadocDocletOptions” class that it requires File objects. I would assume that “files” would do that, but I don’t know what might be wrong here.

Calling files on a configuration returns a Set<File>, but tagletPath expects a List<File> or varargs File..., so your problem is likely with the wrapper, not the contents.

Hmm, surprised that you can’t get yourself over the line on this one

Try tagletPath(configurations.taglet.files as File[]) or similar

I don’t get to Groove every often (invented a new verb there :slight_smile: ), so I didn’t think of this.

From a practical point of view, would it be reasonable to suggest that DSL functions (or functions that are likely to be called from a Gradle build script) that take a “List” parameter should also have a “Set” version, as there are likely many cases where “.files” would be the input for it?

I’d say the api would be more “gradley” if it accepted FileCollection in which case you could just pass configurations.taglet

(invented an adjective there :smile:)