Javadoc -tag option

Trying to exclude some tags from our javadoc generation. The javadoc tool defines a -tag option for this. For example, the tag I want to exclude is @todo, so in javadoc command line i would say:

javadoc ... -tag todo:X ...

The Gradle Javadoc object seems to offer a way to access that feature via its StandardJavadocDocletOptions#tags value, but that is giving me runtime trouble. Instead of [-tag], it tries to pass [-tags] to the javadoc executable. Is that a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

I believe it’s a bug that has already been reported as GRADLE-1563.

That issue mentions using a method named addStringOption as a work around. But I cannot find any such method. Where is it located?

It’s a method on the class implementing StandardJavadocDocletOptions.

Fixed in the next release after m7.