Say i have a project that declares dependency like so
dependencies {
management platform(project(":spring-security-dependencies"))
api project(':spring-security-core')
api project(':spring-security-oauth2-core')
And the project :spring-security-core , has the project name and published name as different.
so while the project is named spring-security-core , the published name is something like below (eg)
publishing {
publications {
maven(MavenPublication) {
groupId = 'org.gradle.sample'
artifactId = 'library'
version = '1.1'
Is there a way for gradle to tell me that the depednency is not on project spring-security-core but on org.gradle.sample:library?
i have attempted running the below dependency insight command but that does not help either
./gradlew :spring-security-oauth2-client:dependencyInsight --dependency spring-security-core --configuration=runtimeClasspath
I am looking at but i cant figure out if there is a way i can get the published name instead of project name reported as a depednency