The jar we are publishing under Artifactory have so far no Maven type or Gradle ext specifiers, how can I specify this property to be able to distinguish with the zip we are publishing at the same GVA location ?
I am using Gradle 1.2.
So far I am using the following to upload the jars:
uploadArchives.doFirst() {
logger.lifecycle path + " Project Version: " + project.version
repositories.mavenDeployer {
name = 'artifactory'
def repositoryRootUpload = ''
if (version.endsWith('SNAPSHOT')) {
repository(url: repositoryRootUpload + 'libs-snapshot-local') {
authentication(userName: "xxxxx", password: "yyyyy")
} else {
repository(url: repositoryRootUpload + 'libs-release-local') {
authentication(userName: "xxxxx", password: "yyyyy")
And I am using the following to upload the zip files:
task uploadZip(type: Upload) {
configurations {
artifacts {
def pathToZip = "${buildDir}/distributions/" + project.name + "-" + version + ".zip"
zipConf file(pathToZip)
configuration = configurations.zipConf
repositories.mavenDeployer {
name = 'artifactory'
if (version.endsWith('SNAPSHOT')) {
repository(url: repositoryRootUploadZip + 'libs-snapshot-local') {
authentication(userName: "xxxxx", password: "yyyyyyy")
} else {
repository(url: repositoryRootUploadZip + 'libs-release-local') {
authentication(userName: "xxxxxx", password: "yyyyyyy")