How to find out which tasks from which plugins and path for buildscript dependencies?

How do i list down tasks grouped by plugins? Also where does gradle store the jars for buildscript dependencies?


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How do i list down tasks grouped by plugins?

At the moment Gradle does not provide a report that shows the mapping between task and plugin. It would be great to have it though.

Also where does gradle store the jars for buildscript dependencies?

All dependencies resolved by Gradle are stored in the Gradle cache. The default location is ~/.gradle/caches.

Is this still true today? It can be maddening to figure out where to look for source associated with tasks and often have to resort to tribal knowledge.

You could print out the class names for each task. Hopefully the package can help discover where each came from. Eg:

task echoTaskClasses {
   doLast {
       tasks.each {
          println "$ $"

Obviously this will only help for custom task types