How to customize dependencies in "ivy-publish" plugin?

In one of our project we use a constant string ‘default’ as a place holder for dependency revisions.

compile group: ‘codehaus’, name: ‘jackson’, version: ‘default’, configuration: ‘runtime’

We resolve this by using a custom ResolutionStrategy and works pretty smoothly.

Later we found that both ‘ivy-publish’ and ‘uploadArchives’ plugin generated ivy files use ‘default’ as the revision.

<dependency org=“codehaus” name=“jackson” rev=“default” conf=“runtime->runtime”/>

We really need the ivy files to contain the actual revision used. I noticed that this has been mentioned in the future features of ivy publish plugin. I’m wondering if this can be done or workaround with Gradle current release?

Thanks in advance.

I noticed this is a recommended approach in user guide:, section Implement a custom versioning scheme, not able to produce the right ivy.xml file seems like a bug to me?

Via the nebula-publishing-plugin (, we produce resolved Ivy (and Maven) files.

Thanks Ryan