I am running into an issue when publishing artifacts to using the ‘ivy-publish’ plugin. There are multiple modules where I publish a custom jar or a couple custom jars and the ivy.xml file does not add the project dependencies. Would this be because they are custom jars or something else?
Here is a sample of how I am publishing.
organisation "${group}"
module "${module_name}"
revision "${version}"
artifact (file("${buildDir}/dist/${module_context}.jar")){
name "${module_name}"
extension 'jar'
These are the dependencies that are being used by the project.
compile (group:"com.xxxxxxx", name:"xxxx-svcs-common", version:"${xxxx_svcs_common_service_version}", transitive:false)
compile (group:"com.xxxxxxx.cache", name:"xxxx-cache", version:"${xxxx_svcs_common_svcs_cache_version}", transitive:false)
compile (group:"com.sun.jersey", name:"jersey", version:"1.8", transitive:false)
compile (group:"com.oracle", name:"coherence", version:"3.7.1", transitive:false)
compile (group:"com.xxxxxxx.cache", name:"xxxx-cache", version:"${xxxx_entsvcs_common_svcs_cache_version}", transitive:false)
And this is the ivy.xml that is generated.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="xxx.xxxxxxx" module="xxxx-service-name" revision="xxx2014_jun-201406051004" status="integration" publication="20140605100413"/>
<artifact name="xxxx-service-name" type="jar" ext="jar"/>
Any help would be greatly appreciated.