I have implemented a Gradle plugin using the Gradle DSL style. The plugin is adding multiple aspects such as a adding a custom task, and configuring more other tasks. Overall, the plugin is generating some metadata property file in a source folder that must be configured by a plugin extension.
apply plugin: 'artifactMetadata'
// configure the path for the metadata
artifactMetadata {
destinationDirectory = "src/main/generated/otherlocation/resources"
I have been able to figure out how to configure the task using the extension properties and afterEvaluate(). However it’s tricking me with the remaining stuff. What is a good approach to configure the source set, the clean task and the idea plugin (see the #n: TODO comments in the plugin code below)? The implementation below will always use the default value, not the one injected through the plugin extension.
class ArtifactMetadataPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
public static final String EXTENSION_NAME = 'artifactMetadata'
public static final String TASK_NAME = 'generateArtifactMetadata'
void apply(Project project) {
project.configure (project) {
task (TASK_NAME, type: GenerateArtifactMetadata) {
group = project.group
artifact = project.name
version = project.version.toString()
sourceSets {
main {
// #1:TODO to get the plugin extension property current value here
output.dir(project.artifactMetadata.destinationDirectory, builtBy: TASK_NAME)
resources.srcDirs += file(project.artifactMetadata.destinationDirectory)
clean {
// #2:TODO get the plugin extension property here
delete file(project.artifactMetadata.destinationDirectory)
if (project.plugins.hasPlugin(IdeaPlugin)) {
idea {
module {
// #3:TODO get the plugin extension property here
sourceDirs += file(project.artifactMetadata.destinationDirectory)
project.afterEvaluate {
def extension = project.extensions.findByName(EXTENSION_NAME)
project.tasks.withType(GenerateArtifactMetadata).all { task ->
task.destinationDirectory = project.file(extension.destinationDirectory)
private static void createExtension(Project project) {
def extension = project.extensions.create(EXTENSION_NAME, ArtifactMetadataPluginExtension)
extension.with {
destinationDirectory = "src/main/generated/artifactinfo/resources"