I am writing a custom gradle plugin task and it uses a property which is passed in using the plugin extension to generate a directory name. I want the task to set a property on the project object with that generated name as the output of the task. That project property would then be used as input to tasks that are in the plugin as well and also the build script the plugin is applied to. I am having problems because the extension properties are not available at configuration time. So I do not see how I can set input/output values.
class BuildExtension {
def outDir = ""
class BuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
project.extensions.create("tooling", BuildExtension)
project.task('setRootDir', type: SetRootDirTask)
class SetRootDirTask extends DefaultTask {
SetRootDirTask() { }
def getVersionFile() {
def f = new File("${project.tooling.outDir}/version.properties")
return f
def action() {
def value = null
// Read the properties
Properties props = new Properties()
props.load(new FileInputStream("${project.tooling.outDir}/version.properties"))
props.each { prop ->
if (prop.key == "revision") {
value = prop.value
// Set the project property to hold the generated name
project.ext.rootDirName = value
The build script it is applied in
tooling {
outDir = "${buildDir}"
task foo {
dependsOn setRootDir
inputs.property("rootDirName", "${project.ext.rootDirName}")
doLast {