I have
apply plugin: ‘java’
sourceCompatibility = 1.4 targetCompatibility = 1.4
compileJava.options.fork = true compileJava.options.forkOptions.executable = “C:\Program Files (x86)\j2sdk1.4.2_01\bin\javac.exe”
when I “gradle build” I get
[ant:javac] javac: invalid target release: 1.5 [ant:javac] Usage: javac [ant:javac] where possible options include: [ant:javac]
Generate all debugging info … etc
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
with --debug I find that the jvm args are:
‘-d’ ‘C:\projects\GasanBatches\Development\Q928108_JDBC_Thin_Upgrade\APXDealLoad\build\classes\main’ ‘-classpath’ ‘C:\projects…\main’ ‘-target’ ‘1.5’ ‘-g’ ‘-source’ ‘1.5’ ‘C:\projects…\xxx.java’
Now if I add:
compileJava.options.compilerArgs = ["-target", “1.4”, “-source”, “1.4”]
the jvm args are:
‘-d’ ‘C:\projects…\main’ ‘-classpath’ ‘C:\projects…\main’ ‘-target’ ‘1.5’ ‘-g’ ‘-target’ ‘1.4’ ‘-source’ ‘1.4’ ‘-source’ ‘1.5’ ‘C:\projects…\xxx.java’
Closer but not quite.
(René Groeschke)
March 9, 2012, 4:21pm
which gradle version do you use?
running this snippet locally with 1.0-milestone-8a:
sourceCompatibility = 1.4
targetCompatibility = 1.4
compileJava.options.fork = true
compileJava.options.forkOptions.executable = "C:\Program Files (x86)\j2sdk1.4.2_01\bin\javac.exe"
gives me: ‘-d’
‘C:\projects…\xxx.java’ ---------- still duplicate source & target compatibility settings, but at least the right one.
(René Groeschke)
March 9, 2012, 8:10pm
Hello again, sorry for the misleading post. I’ve mixed up my test folders to reproduce this problem. Can you get rid of the line:
compileJava.options.compilerArgs = ["-target", "1.4", "-source", "1.4"]
and set the source and targetCompatibility only via
sourceCompatibility = 1.4
targetCompatibility = 1.4
that should do the trick.
regards, René
And indeed it does. The problem was that I was setting sourceCompatibility and targetCompatibility for the wrong project in a parent build file. Does a parent build file configuration always override the child configuration ?
Does a parent build file configuration always override the child configuration ?
No, it doesn’t. To give a better answer, I would need more information about what you were trying to do.