Is there a way to run multiple checkstyle checks on a build? In checkstyle itself this isn’t possible ( at the moment. But it is possible in maven by specifying multiple executions.
If I have two different configs from two different sources.
- google_checks from the checkstlye jar
- my_custom_copyright checks from my code repository
There doesn’t appear to be a way to run these two without merging the xmls at runtime (in the build.gradle).
What I would like is either an easy way to generate new Checkstyle tasks (and expose whatever is populating their properties in AbstractCodeQualityPlugin#Apply
or maybe a way to specify multiple configs in the checkstyle extension
checkstyle {
config = "config" // <-- old config
configs = ["config1", "config2"] // <-- multi config?
Or ideally be wrong, and there is already a way to do this?