How can I resolve warnings?

In my project, I got some warnings and I want to know how to resolve them.
I would appreciate it if you could help me.


Plugin validation failed. See Authoring Tasks for more information on how to annotate task properties.
Warning: Type ‘JarmonicaCreateTask’: field ‘taskType’ without corresponding getter has been annotated with @Internal.
Warning: Type ‘JarmonicaCreateTask’: property ‘taskType$harmonica’ is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
Warning: Type ‘JarmonicaDownTask’: property ‘taskType$harmonica’ is not annotated with an input > or output annotation.
Warning: Type ‘JarmonicaMigrationTask’: property ‘taskType$harmonica’ is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
Warning: Type ‘JarmonicaUpTask’: property ‘taskType$harmonica’ is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
Warning: Type ‘JarmonicaVersionTask’: property ‘taskType$harmonica’ is not annotated with an input or output annotation.


// Kotlin
package com.improve_future.harmonica.plugin

import org.gradle.api.tasks.Internal

open class JarmonicaCreateTask : JarmonicaMigrationTask() {
    override val taskType = JarmonicaTaskType.Create

    override fun exec() {
        val migrationName =
                if (project.hasProperty("migrationName"))
          ["migrationName"] as String
                else "Migration"

        jvmArgs = listOf<String>()
        args = buildJarmonicaArgument(migrationName).toList()

Full project: GitHub - KenjiOhtsuka/harmonica: Kotlin Database Migration Tool. This tool makes it really easy to create table, index, add columns, and so on, with Kotlin DSL.

I think the problem is this parent class has an internal field. But when I add @Internal annotation to it, the error “This annotation is not applicable to target 'member property without backing field or delegate” rises.

// Kotlin
abstract class JarmonicaMigrationTask : JavaExec() {
    internal abstract val taskType: JarmonicaTaskType

Thanks in advance


does this work:

    override val taskType = ...


Thank you! It worked!