(Mohan Kornipati)
December 22, 2015, 3:18pm
Hi All, We started evaluating Gretty ( ) plugin for our projects and I am looking to see if we have any [Gretty Configuration](
to specify the Tomcat Version / ServletContainerVersion like ‘8.0.26’ for ‘tomcat8’ along with ServletContainer as ‘tomcat8’ or ‘jetty9’
if I understand correct, looks like, Gretty seems to has fixed container versions based on ServletContainer - tomcat7, tomcat8, jetty9 and etc… Do we know if got any ways to set this?
String jetty7ServletApiVersion = Externalized.getString('jetty7ServletApiVersion')
String jetty8Version = Externalized.getString('jetty8Version')
String jetty8ServletApi = Externalized.getString('jetty8ServletApi')
String jetty8ServletApiVersion = Externalized.getString('jetty8ServletApiVersion')
String jetty9Version = Externalized.getString('jetty9Version')
String jetty9ServletApi = Externalized.getString('jetty9ServletApi')
String jetty9ServletApiVersion = Externalized.getString('jetty9ServletApiVersion')
String tomcat7Version = Externalized.getString('tomcat7Version')
String tomcat7ServletApi = Externalized.getString('tomcat7ServletApi')
String tomcat7ServletApiVersion = Externalized.getString('tomcat7ServletApiVersion')
String tomcat8Version = Externalized.getString('tomcat8Version')
String tomcat8ServletApi = Externalized.getString('tomcat8ServletApi')
String tomcat8ServletApiVersion = Externalized.getString('tomcat8ServletApiVersion')
[ 'jetty7': [
servletContainerType: 'jetty',
servletContainerVersion: jetty7Version,
servletContainerDescription: "Jetty $jetty7Version",
servletContainerRunnerConfig: 'grettyRunnerJetty7',
servletContainerRunnerDependencies: { project ->
project.dependencies.add servletContainerRunnerConfig, "org.akhikhl.gretty:gretty-runner-jetty7:$grettyVersion"
addRedirectFilter(project, servletContainerRunnerConfig)
(Benjamin Muschko)
January 23, 2017, 3:31pm
I’d suggest you open an issue on the GitHub page of the plugin directly? The maintainer of the plugin is committed to fix issues and release a new version soon.
@Andrey_Hihlovskiy Could you please follow up on this issue?
@mkornipati , did you open new issue for this?
(Mohan Kornipati)
February 2, 2017, 7:21pm
@Andrey_Hihlovskiy @bmuschko here it is
And as workaround, we are following below approach
def forceTomcatVersion(project, tomcatVersion) {
def forceTomcatModules = ["org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-jasper:${tomcatVersion}",
project.configurations.grettyRunnerTomcat8.resolutionStrategy.forcedModules = forceTomcatModules
} else {
project.configurations.grettyRunnerTomcat7.resolutionStrategy.forcedModules = forceTomcatModules
Thank you for useful piece of code.
I’ll try to implement explicit control over servlet container versions in the coming Gretty 1.4.2 release (due date 01.03.2017).