well that’s a bummer… thanks for the help. guess i’ll get the zip with curl and put it in scm in case they move again.
here’s the encoded html btw:
<html> <head>
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var ele1 = document.getElementById('headerimage');
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<div id='message'><font class=accessdeniedtextfont><b><BR>Dear </font><font
class=accessdeniedcategoryfont>{user},</font><BR><BR><font class=accessdeniedtextfont>This is a
message from the IT Department. <BR><BR>The web site you are trying to access: <BR></font><font
class=accessdeniedcategoryfont>{url}</font><BR><font class=accessdeniedtextfont>is listed as a
site within the category </font><font class=accessdeniedcategoryfont>{category}</font><BR><BR><font
class=accessdeniedtextfont> Current Internet Access Configuration does not allow you to visit
sites within this category at this time.<BR></font></div>
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onload='callToSetImageSize(this)' style='visibility:hidden'></img></td>
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