Suddenly all the builds which are using http
to download gradlew are failing.
./gradlew tasks
Unzipping /Users/sandeshw/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-2.14.1-bin/ev4hc1s4g1oc9yuae0b81rdza/ to /Users/sandeshw/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-2.14.1-bin/ev4hc1s4g1oc9yuae0b81rdza
Exception in thread "main" zip file is empty
at java.base/$Source.zerror(
at java.base/$Source.findEND(
at java.base/$Source.initCEN(
at java.base/$Source.<init>(
at java.base/$Source.get(
at java.base/<init>(
at java.base/<init>(
at java.base/<init>(
at org.gradle.wrapper.Install.unzip(
at org.gradle.wrapper.Install.access$600(
at org.gradle.wrapper.Install$
at org.gradle.wrapper.Install$
at org.gradle.wrapper.ExclusiveFileAccessManager.access(
at org.gradle.wrapper.Install.createDist(
at org.gradle.wrapper.WrapperExecutor.execute(
at org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain.main(
configuration is:
It works if I change to use https
We have 100s of the project with Http setting.
Do we need to change every project to use https instead of Http?
Seems familiar with the old post: