was not found

Hi, when i try to publish my plugin i get an error:
> Website URL not set, but when i try to add into gradlePlugin it doesn’t contain any website variable
Heres my build.gradle file:

plugins {
    kotlin("jvm") version "1.8.0"
    id("com.gradle.plugin-publish") version "1.1.0"
gradlePlugin {
    website = "" // not found?
    plugins {
        create("kloader-runtime") {
            // id, displayName, description and implementationClass set here

Where am i supposed to put website then?

As you have a Kotlin DSL settings script, you need to either use website.set(...) or enable the experimental assignment operator overloading if you have at least Gradle 8.1.

When I try to do that, I just get unresolved reference, seems like gradle doesnt recognize the variable at all



I have no idea why is this happening, cant i it be because of gradle version? Im using v7.4.2

Yes, indeed. As also documented on the help page, thus requires at least 7.6. So either update your Gradle version or use the old way to configure it.