Gradle tries to fetch an artifact with the wrong classifier

Running Gradle 2.12 on Windows 7 with Java 8u72
I have uploaded a bunch of MSI merge modules to our local Artifactory repository. These are for Visual C/C++ runtimes. My product needs to install several different versions of the VC runtime, so it depends on many versions.
I have declared these dependencies in my build.gradle file:

configurations {

dependencies {
	// vcruntime group: '', name:'Microsoft_VC', version:'90', classifier:'CRT_x86_x64', ext:'msm'
	// vcruntime group: '', name:'Microsoft_VC', version:'90', classifier:'policy_CRT_x86_x64', ext:'msm'
	// vcruntime group: '', name:'Microsoft_VC', version:'90', classifier:'ATL_x86_x64', ext:'msm'
	// vcruntime group: '', name:'Microsoft_VC', version:'90', classifier:'policy_ATL_x86_x64', ext:'msm'
	// vcruntime group: '', name:'Microsoft_VC', version:'120', classifier:'CRT_x86', ext:'msm'
	// vcruntime group: '', name:'Microsoft_VC', version:'120', classifier:'CRT_x64', ext:'msm'
	vcruntime group: '', name:'Microsoft_VC', version:'140', classifier:'CRT_x86', ext:'msm'
	vcruntime group: '', name:'Microsoft_VC', version:'140', classifier:'CRT_x64', ext:'msm'

I get this error if I uncomment the commented out dependencies:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file 'C:\dev\RuntimeTest\build.gradle' line: 33

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':generateWixForVCMergeModules'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':vcruntime'.
   > Could not find Microsoft_VC-CRT_x86_x64.msm (
     Searched in the following locations:

Note the use of the wrong classifier! (The Visual C 9.0 runtime uses a CRT_x86_x64 classifier, but the later versions have separate files for CRT_x86 and CRT_x64.)

I see that I will have to deal with version conflict resolution as well. That seems to be the root of the problem. How can I get several different versions of the same asset?

One way is to declare multiple configurations i.e. vcruntime64 and vcruntime32.

Thanks, that helps get around the issue for now.

It would be better if I could specify a ResolutionStrategy that allows for all of the different asset versions to end up in the same configuration.
I guess this isn’t a bug, but it has become a feature request :slight_smile: