Gradle Execute external program

Dear my friends,

I faced a problem when executing external program with Gradle. Hope you will help me to solve this. Thank you all :slight_smile:
PS: I used Gradle for an embedded project (C language not a Java project)
I will describe my problem:

  1. My development environment is Ubuntu.
  2. I used an external program for Unit test (It is called Cantata), From Linux I will type a command “./cantpp” to invoke its GUI (eclipse based)
  3. After finishing working on GUI I will integrate last result to Gradle so that Gradle will invoke a command line to generate Test Report.
    The command line like below:

$CANTATA_INSTALL_DIR/cantpp -application com.ipl.products.eclipse.cantpp.testscript.TestSummaryGenerator -noSplash -data Cantata/UnitTest project=Cantata/UnitTest/abcdef 1 (with this command like on shell the GUI will not be invoked by option ‘-noSplash’, and I get the report successfully)

And Gradle code for that command line is:

def commandArray = new String[3]
commandArray[0] = System.getenv(“CANTATA_INSTALL_DIR”) + "/cantpp"
commandArray[1] = "application"
commandArray[2] = "com.ipl.products.eclipse.cantpp.testscript.TestSummaryGenerator -noSplash -data Cantata/UnitTest project=Cantata/UnitTest/gDMPxy 1"
def process = new ProcessBuilder(commandArray)
.directory(new File(curPath))
process.inputStream.eachLine {println it}

But unfortunately, when Gradle is running, the GUI is invoked so the command line is not executed like I expect.

So my question is “Are there any ways to execute the command line in Gradle which the GUI is not invoked?”

Thanks and Best regards

This line is the problem. When building a process, every argument needs to go in a separate element of the array.

Also, why are you using ProcessBuilder instead of Gradle’s much more covenient Exec task or exec method?

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Dear friend,
Tks for your answer
I tried
def commandArray = new String[4]
commandArray[0] = System.getenv(“CANTATA_INSTALL_DIR”) + “/cantpp”
commandArray[1] = “application com.ipl.products.eclipse.cantpp.testscript.TestSummaryGenerator”
commandArray[2] = “noSplash”
commandArray[3] = “data Cantata/UnitTest project=Cantata/UnitTest/gDMPxy 1”
def process = new ProcessBuilder(commandArray)
.directory(new File(curPath))
process.inputStream.eachLine {println it}
But it not work.

I also tried Exec and exec but it also not work

Best regards